35 best riddles that will blow your mind

2 min readJun 9, 2020


  1. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty ?
  2. What is it that grows when you take more out of it ?
  3. What makes oil boil ?
  4. How many months have 28 days ?
  5. How can you make a road broad ?
  6. Make a sentence where “I” is followed by “is”
  7. Which day of the year is a command ?
  8. Which is swifter — heat or cold ?
  9. Which ring is never round ?
  10. What is the scientific formula for water ?
  11. Where does success come before work ?
  12. Name the first bus that went to America ?
  13. Which sand can count ?
  14. Which tiles crawl ?
  15. What ants have two legs ?
  16. Which angle is round in shape ?
  17. Which ant can’t walk ?
  18. When does eleven plus eleven equal one ?
  19. Which country tells you to wait ?
  20. How is an English teacher like an judge ?
  21. Where do elephants store their clothes ?
  22. What starts with a T, ends with a T and has T in it ?
  23. What runs but doesn’t walk ?
  24. What kind of water never freezes ?
  25. What kind of nut has no shell ?
  26. What is the hardest type of music ?
  27. Why was math book unhappy ?
  28. Why does Lucy like the letter ‘K’?
  29. Who was the fastest runner in the history ?
  30. How can you double the money ?
  31. What is dark but made by light ?
  32. What driver can’t drive ?
  33. Where was the King Caesar’s temple ?
  34. As long as I eat , I live ; but when I drink , I die . What am I ?
  35. What kind of an ant can count ?

Answers will coming soon !

Good luck



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