33 best idioms related to color:

2 min readJun 8, 2020


Before moving into the world of idioms , let’s know what is an idiom.

What is an idiom:

A phrase which has a meaning that is commonly understood by the speakers of the language , but whose meaning is often different from the normal meaning of the words is called an idiom.

Color related idioms :

  1. Black Sheep — outcast , especially of a family.
  2. Black tie — formal
  3. Blacklist — list of people who are considered dangerous or who are to be punished.
  4. Blackout — Loss of electricity
  5. Blackmail — crime of demanding money from somebody by threatening to tell somebody else a secret about them
  6. To black out — loss consciousness or memory temporarily
  7. In the black — financially sound people
  8. Blue — Sad
  9. Blue blood — From a royal noble family
  10. Blue funk — very depressed
  11. Blue print — A drawing plan
  12. Blue ribbon — First rate
  13. Blue collar workers — Labourers
  14. Brown out — Partial loss of electricity. ( Check blackout )
  15. In a brown study — in deep throught
  16. To be browned up — To bored
  17. A green belt — Area of open land around a city
  18. In the pink — Very well ( of health )
  19. Pink lady — an alcoholic drink
  20. Pinkies — the little fingers
  21. Tickled pink — Very amused and delighted at the news
  22. Born to the purple — A member of a royal family
  23. Purple message — an unexpectedly fine piece of writing in the middle of something that is very dull
  24. Red flag — flag used for danger
  25. Red hot — exciting
  26. Red hots — small spicy candies
  27. Red meats — beef
  28. Red faced — embarrassed
  29. A white collar worker — non manual worker ( see Blue collar worker )
  30. As white as a sheet — very pale
  31. As white as snow — very white
  32. A white lie — trivial lie
  33. White flag — an emblem of surrender

Thank you !



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