A definitive guide to written composition

4 min readJun 11, 2020


It must be born in mind that a paragraph is a series of sentences. They elaborate a single idea or thought.

The sentence in the paragraph are interconnected.

Each of these sentences tells us something about the principal idea which is developed in the paragraph.

The sentences are arranged in such a way that they all look like a well — knit passage.

A paragraph may express various thoughts but all of them have some relation with the main thought of the paragraph.


A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic, or , a group of related sentences that develop a single point

Characteristics of a paragraph:

A paragraph , like a sentence must possess:

  1. Unity
  2. Order
  3. Variety

UNITY -A paragraph must not contain more than one main topic or theme. It is a short essay in itself to which a suitable title can always be given.

Every sentence in a paragraph must be closely connected with the main topic or theme of the paragraph.

The theme is often expressed in one sentence - generally the first. This sentence is called the topic sentence, because it states the topic.

ORDER - In a standard paragraph, the ideas are always arranged in a clear and logical order.

The events are given in the order of their occurrence. All thoughts are connected with the main idea and arranged according to their importance or order:

VARIETY – Lastly, a good paragraph avoids monotony by having recourse to a variety of sentences.

It contains both short and long sentences, and sentences of different constructions.


To write a good paragraph you should bear in mind the following points:

1. Take a topic and think over it for some time.

2. Ask yourself some questions about the topic. Whatever answers you get will work as an outline of your topic to be expanded into a paragraph.

3. Arrange the sentences in a sequential/logical way.

4. Expand these sentences with the help of Conjunctions and Connectors and watch their order.

5. Only those words and Idioms should be used which are understandable to all

6. Length of paragraph should be as required. If no limit is given, It should neither be too long nor too short.

7. Some paragraphs are given in the shape of a competition. In such paragraphs one or two sentences are given and the candidates are required to complete the same. Such paragraphs are completed using their own imagination till the happening becomes complete.

8. Sentences should be short as far as possible.

9. Tense of such paragraphs is generally Present Tense until the paragraph requires otherwise.

10. After the writing is finished, revise the paragraph for corrections.

Template 1


The problem of pollution is engaging the attention of the sensible people in the developed as-well-as the developing countries. What do we mean by pollution? It means contaminating the elements of air, water and earth. We are polluting the air that we breathe. The agents of air pollution are the chimney smokes and the fumes from cars and trucks. In winter, there is thick smoke all over the city. As a result the people do not get enough oxygen. They develop bronchial problems or breathing trouble, Delhi alone has a million vehicles which bum petrol or diesel. Then there are thermal power plants and factories which use coal. There is hardly any green cover left on the ridge. Trees have been felled and the public parks have turned into slums. If measures to check air pollution are not taken immediately, that day is not far when we shall have to carry oxygen cylinders to keep us alive.

Template 2


Rising prices created an economic problem India. It has threat to the stability of the society as a whole. The rise in price of essential commodities affected the people of the fixed Income groups and poor wage came rely. They hae struggle even harder to keep their body and soul together. When a man is unable to provide himself and his family with the barest necessities of life, he is tempted to cam money adopting unfair means. This leads to corruption and malpractices. In that case, t becomes the duty of the government to take effective measures to check the price line, otherwise it is bound to create economic explosion leading to social tension and political imbalance.

Template 3


Games and sports give us pleasure. They make our body strong and muscular. They expand our lungs, increase the blood circulation and all the body with strength and vigour.

They teach us many good qualities. They Inculcate in us a spirit of sportsmanship. punctuality, regularity of habits, team spirit, leadership and obedience. They provide us good training for playing the game of life in a sportsman's way. Each game is played under certain rules and regulations which are to be followed by all the players. Some games teach us obedience and discipline. They also teach us the importance of co-operative efforts. Above all they teach us how to command and how to obey


Write a short paragraph of about 100 words on each of the following topics:

1. My Ambition in Life

2. A Wedding in the family

3. A Visit to an Exhibition or Trade fair

4. Scene at a Bus-stop or Waiting for a Bus

5. An Interesting Book I Have Read

6. My Neighbour

7. Our School Library

8. The Pleasure of Reading

9. Health is Wealth

10. Hostel Life

11. Pleasure of Travelling

12. Importance of Trees

13. The Indian Farmer

14. The Winter Season

15. The Evil of Copying

16. A Day without Water

17. Indiscriminate Deforestation 18 Wildlife Sanctuaries in India

19. Nuclear Pollution

20. Some Indian Superstitions

21 Science and Human Happiness

22 Population Explosion

23.A Day Without Electricity



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