All you need to know about redundancy ( redundant phrases — pleonasms )
Pleonasms are the opposites of oxymora . A pleonasms consists of two concepts that are redundant.
Some pleonastic expressions are also known as tautologies . Tautology means , “ needless repetition of an idea in a different word , phrase or in a sentence ”
- Actual experience
- Advanced planning
- Advance reservation
- Armed gunman
- Cheap price
- Cold temperature
- Commute back and forth
- Difficult dilemma
- General public
- Green colour
- Natural instinct
- Reason is because
- Suddenly exploded
- Regular routine
- Pre-recorded
Redundant Acronyms and initialisms:
Example — PIN Number = personal identification number number
The problem is that PIN means Personal Identification Number .
Do you need to say “Number” afterwards ? In fact , it is quite wrong to do so, far what is a Personal Identification Number Number ?
Pleonastic Mistakes
- AC Current
- ATM machine
- DC current
- GMT time
- HIV virus
- LCD display
- RAM memory
- SAT test
Pleonastic — tautological- redundant list :
12 o’clock midnight
12 o’clock noon
A. M in the morning
Added bonus
Advance forward
Advance warning
Awful bad
Classic tradition
Combined together
Dead corpse
Duplicate copy
Honest truth
Etymologically redundant expression:
There are many words and phrases which contain redundancy in their etymology. However, this doesn’t really qualify them as pleonasms in most cases.
- Head Chef — The word chef comes from French which means head.
- Cash box — The word cash comes from Italian word cassa or French word casse which means box.
- Hailstone — Hail derives from the Greek for stone. It is somewhat redundant. Then to speak of a hailstone or stone stone .
Thanks for reading !