5 Best figure of speech and funny terms with examples in English language
English is very funny language to me. As a language learner, I use to experiment with different tools and techniques to learn any language faster.
I also search for different ways to learn English in google. But once I thought that I need to be creative and stop using Google totally.
Then I started reading books , novels , stories and comics .
As my hobby is finding different funny facts about languages , I have collected some funny figure of speech in English language.
Spoonerism is the interchange of initial letters of two words, usually as a slip of tongue.
Funniest spoonerism:
- A lack of pies — A pack of lies
- Noble tons of soil — Noble sons of toil
- Fighting a liar — lighting a fire
- Mad banner — Bad manner
- Plaster man — Master plan
- Tease my ears — Ease my tears
- Red bidden — Bed ridden
- Nilly willy — Willy nilly
- Feather worecast — weather forecast
- Tip of the slung — slip of the tongue
- Chicky chillen — Chilly chicken
- Don’t hiss my mystery classes — Don’t miss my history classes
Malapropism :
Malapropism is a comical misuse of a word in a mistake for one similar sound.
A politician is alleged to have said that he would support a colleague to have the best of his mobility ( ability ).
- Flying saucers are just an optical conclusion ( illusion )
- Their father was some kind of civil serpent ( servant )
A figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated or extravagant. It is often used in poetries in poetries and other literary devices.
- He is as big as a house !
- I heard that a million times.
- This book weighs a ton.
Euphemism is the substitution of pleasant expression for an offensive one.
It is often used to hide unpleasant ideas.
- Restroom - toilet
- Correctional facility - jail
- Third party unauthorised - hacking
It is rough opposite of euphemism
- Take a shit - go to bathroom
- Stingy - careful
- Terrorist - rebel
- Pigheaded - stubborn
A figure of speech in which two contradictory terms are clubbed together in a smaller space.
Oxy = sharp , Moron = foolish
List of oxymora:
- A little pregnant
- Abundant poverty
- Alone together
- Auto pilot
- Good grief
- Little big
- Just war
- Awful good
- Bankrupt millionaire
- Clever fool
- Compulsory volunteers
- Fast turtle
- Genuine imitation
- Good garbage
- Good grief
- Green blackberries
- Green oranges
- Half dead
- Half empty
- Half full
- Human robot
- Humanitarian invasion
- Humbly bold
- Ill fortune
- Incomplete cure
- Initial result
- Intimate strangers
- Little big
- Little giant
- Living dead
- Living end
- Meaningful nonsense
- Minor miracle
- Mute sound
- Natural makeup
- New antique
- New classic
- Normal deviation
- Old news
- Only choice
- Real magic
- Sad joy
- Serious fun
- Silent sound
- Sweet pain
- Sweet sorrow
- True fiction
- White rose
- Working holiday
- True illusion
- True story