Let’s understand what is an essay !

2 min readJun 14, 2020


What is an Essay?

What is an Essay ? Essay-writing is an art. An essay is generally speaking, a written composition containing an expression of self on a particular topic. It is subjective in nature.

It is the test of one's personality. It is a dynamic and sequential placement of thoughts leading constantly to 'what after what'. It has no specific principles of starting and ending excepting that the start should be attractive and conclusion the gist of idea in a natural way.

The topic or subject is assigned, and you are expected to select and arrange your material.


Now Bear in mind the following rules:

  • The aim of writing an essay is to discuss in detail all the aspects of a thought. This can only happen if the writer is very clear in mind about the topic on which he wishes to write. So, do not start writing at once. Think out carefully for at least 10-15 minutes or so what you are going to say.
  • Before writing an essay, prepare a rough sketch of various ideas that come to you on a separate paper and make it final. Select your ideas carefully because in a short essay you can deal with a few points only.
  • Strictly follow these points. Do not write things that have nothing to do with the subject. If you do so, then it will not be a true essay.
  • Ideas should be properly arranged and placed making each idea a base for the next one and follow one another naturally.
  • Avoid long sentences in an essay, as they may lead to more grammatical mistakes Sentences are the units of literary composition. A sentence should express only one thought or fact. Do not try to compress two or more ideas into one sentence. This will make your sentence loose and unimpressive and thus, mar the beauty of thoughts.
  • A meaningful group of sentences is called a paragraph. Divide your essay into paragraphs. Write a fresh paragraph for each point in the plan. (as a rule four short paragraphs are enough for a short essay.)
  • Divide your essay into three parts - the Introduction, the body and the conclusion.
  • An essay should be written in simple idiomatic English which should be correct in Tense and grammar as far as possible.
  • An essay should not be written in 1st person until it is demanded as such.
  • Abbreviations should be avoided in an essay as these are not appreciable and appreciated.
  • Before giving a final shape, an essay is required to be revised and corrected and this process should be repeated if a need is felt.

Classification of essays:

Essays can be broadly divided into four classes :

  1. Narrative — personal accounts of events
  2. Descriptive — description of a person, place or thing
  3. Reflective — discussion on abstract topics
  4. Imaginative — Essay on subjects as “If I were the president of India ”

Thank you !



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