PProbability for class VII

2 min readJan 10, 2021



Impossible : You can’t get 15 out of 10 mark in a test.

Possible: It will rain today.

Certain: A hare runs faster than a turtle

Possibility is again divided into 3 types :

Even Chance or Equally likely

More likely

Less Likely ( Unlikely )


A person with O, A, B or AB blood group can safely donate blood to a person with AB position blood group. Describe the event “a randomly chosen person could donate blood to a person with AB positive blood group” as certain / likely/ unlikely / impossible.


  1. The probability of being chosen a team is 9%. This event can be described as:

a) likely

b) certain

c) having an even Chance
d) unlikely

2. It will be a Thursday in one of the next 7 days. The event is

a) likely

b) unlikely

c) certain

d) having an even chance

3. Viswa has 7 movies in his video collection and 2 of them feature his favourite actor. If he randomly chooses a movie , what is the probability that he will one featuring his favourite actor?

a) 1/2

b) 2/7

c) 5/7

d) 1/5

4. During a class survey , it was found out that cheese pizza is the favorite snack for 30 out of 40 students. What is the probability in percent that a student’s favourite snack is a cheese pizza?

a) 50%

b) 60%

c) 75%

d) 80%

Important Formula:

Remember Following:

Impossible = 0

Unlikely = ¼

Even chance = ½

Likely = ⅓

Certain = 1



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